Experienced tournament bass anglers only
Own or have unlimited access to a tournament boat
Own or have unlimited access to tournament equipment
Be Honest, Trustworthy and show Good Sportsmanship at all times
Be active in all club functions
Must be sponsored by a current member that is in good standing with the club.
Must attend one (1) meeting or tournament before joining the club. (Perspective new members may fish first tournament as a guest but must pay yearly club dies to fish the remainder of years tournaments)
Membership for acceptance will be determined by the following criteria:
- Majority vote of current members attending current month's meeting
- A payment of $10.00 yearly club dues
- A payment of $30.00 National B.A.S.S. Federation Nation dues
- A payment of $25.00 Florida B.A.S.S. Federation Nation dues
All FBFN and BASS tournament rules (including insurance requirements) apply with the following exceptions:
Club Florida is a boater club and for that reason, there is no partner drawing. If a member voluntarily and with the approval of the boater, chooses to fish in the back of the boat, he will have no say in the waters fished, position of the boat, or control over the boat and he will not interfere with the boater in any way during a club tournament. Club Florida leaves all expenses incurred to be decided between boater and non-boater.
30 member cap
All club money transactions will be in cash only
No alcohol at any time in any club function
Members must attend all club functions sober and clean from any inhibiting substances
Boater must have a cell phone with him at all times.
Tournament Director